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Welcome to Your Greatness!

This in-depth online course will show you and teach you how to do the following:

  • Build up your Self-Esteem and Confidence

  • Discover your Dreams, Talents and Skills

  • Set and Map out your Goals in full detail

  • Defeat your Inner Critic and harness your Subconscious Mind

  • Handle Fear and Procrastination

  • Set YOU up for SUCCESS with Strategies for Winning

Course curriculum


  • Meditations

    There are guided meditations to help you visualize what you desire, to help you with forgiveness and health and healing. There are instrumental versions as well.

  • Motivation

    Audio motivation sections are included to keep you inspired. They also include exercises so that you know what action to take to move you forward and keep you excited.

  • Affirmations

    Audio affirmations as well as an information video will provide you with suggestions to making your own which will allow you to set clearer intentions.


Professional Facilitator, Business and Personal Coach and Consultant

  • Angelina Sol

    Instructor Title

    Angelina Sol

    Hi, I'm Angelina! I'm so excited to have you joining me for this course. I have been a coach and trainer for over a decade, helping people learn various topics from software to sales and personal development for several major corporations. I’ve done extensive personal and business coaching working with over 200 clients in just a couple of years and now I want to take this opportunity to help you grow, develop and reach your dreams.